Thursday, March 6, 2008

Vivid Colors with a Soft Light Layer

How do you achieve vivid colors in your photographs?

Using Photoshop's "Soft Light" layers really enhances the contrast in your photos. Your dark areas will appear darker and more intense. Your lighter areas will be lighter and seem to glow.
We will be
1. creating a layer
2. applying "soft light"
3. playing with the opacity

This is a simple trick to play with vivid colors. The intensity of colors decreases with the amount of white light. That's why some photographers prefer to photograph in the early morning or late afternoon. Soft light filters mimic that effect.

Step 1: Open your photo in Adobe Photoshop

Step 2: Create a new layer with a copy of your image
Shortcut: "Control" and "J"
Soft Light Layer Tutorial 1
Step 3: Change your new layer's description from "normal" to "soft light"
You should see an immediate change in your image. To compare the before and after, in your layer's window, click on the "eye" icon to hide and unhide the new layer. Sometimes, it will create parts that are too dark (don't go too overboard). Adjust by changing the opacity of your "soft light" layer or you can use the eraser tool to erase areas(it might appear too drastic) or you can create a mask and use black to paint out areas(little more advanced).

Soft Light Tutorial 2
Play-with-it Options: Repeat the steps to see what happens. Create a third layer and "soft light it." I did it with this photo and then lowered the opacity of the top layer just a notch.

Soft Light Tutorial 2

Before and After: Notice the change in colors...they go from "eh" to "vavoom."
Soft Light Before and After

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About Me

I'm a country girl from a little place called Honoka`a. Raise your hand if you can find Honokaa on a map. Hmmm, not a lot of hands raised. I love love my hometown. Now, I live in Kaneohe with my wonderful husband. Our home is usually filled with people, and always filled with God. I'm a nerd through and through. When I was in grade school, my goal was to read every book in the library. I think I got to the D's before I started skipping around. I'm a pastor's wife...I used to be a teacher, but now I have one of the most opposite jobs (hint: think CSI). My husband gave me my first digital camera and I love taking pictures of weddings and keiki.